About Us

We who run The Dog’s shop are a swedish internet company named Weekend Webbexperterna and we have since the year 2000 worked with the web. You can read more about our company here.
The dog’s shop was created after we came across this lovely grinning Dalmatian on a wine bottle from Croatia. In Croatia, there is the region – Dalmatia – from which the Dalmatian is considered to have got its name.
We thought the picture was so great that we wanted to sell products with it on. As Dalmatian owners, we recognized the look and grin directly of this wonderful dog. You can read more about the breed on this page.
The winery in Croatia that makes the wine The Dalmatian Dog is called Testament Winery, which you can read more about here. They are the ones who own the rights to the image that we have now printed on various products.
Our head office is located in Järfälla outside Stockholm in Sweden, but the store is managed from Järvsö, where we also have a local office.